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Written words have always been my vehicle of self-expression. Even if I am overwhelmed, good or bad, and I cannot talk, I can write. What is your vehicle?

One of the hardest words for me to say was “no”. I still struggle with it a bit, especially with those that I love. We were VERY good at saying it when we are toddlers but as we got older and consequences and guilt related to saying the word kick in, we stop saying it. Time is nonrenewable. “No” buys time.

When most women that I know are tired, they push through. When most men that I know are tired, they stop. That is one thing I have sometimes admired and sometimes resented. “No” could improve your health and save your life. Practice saying it with me.

What you deserve is someone who loves you for who you are. They don’t ask you to change but when you are out of sync, you take time to talk about it and come to a compromise that sits right with both of you. One person should not be the one to always compromise.

Compromises are not about me not fulfilling my vision or my purpose. My light doesn’t have to be dimmed in order for you to shine. Both of us shining our brightest is brilliance!!!

Consciously and/or subconsciously we do not enter into relationships authentically. There are many reasons for that but if you find yourself manipulating your mate or feel that they are manipulating you, you have a problem. Your true self can be hidden for only so long. Don’t ignore what your Spirit is telling you. Issues not addressed do not decrease, they compound.

My vulnerability with you is a gift. Not to be manipulated, but to be cherished. Love is pure but not everyone deserves your pure love. Are you worthy?

The mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace, Romans 8: 6. I can’t treat you any kind of way because it bothers my Spirit. I can’t talk to you any kind of way because it bothers my Spirit. I cannot accept a certain type of treatment from you because it bothers my Spirit.

I have done some ignorant things in my life. Not putting me after God was the second of those things. I can’t be there for you if I don’t have anything to give you. I can’t have anything to give you unless I care for myself. If I make myself sick because my priorities are out of order, I die in more ways than one.

We are not the weaker sex, we are the more complex sex. Dis-ease/disease came into my life when my priorities were out of order for too long. There are times in our lives when other things move up on our list of priorities but they cannot be for extended periods.

In more ways than one, more factors are in play for females to maintain balance internally and externally than males. We have to honor our complexity. If not, we negatively impact our happiness and shorten our lifespan.

My hormones have been off since my late teens. When my cycle started coming every two weeks and I had an ovarian cyst, my doctor put me on birth control pills to “regulate my period”. Spoiler alert, it did not regulate my cycle, it stopped my cycle and created a false one. The underlying problem was still there, it was just masked.

For most of my life, I was raised in a household with 1 male and 4 females. The females primarily did most of the household chores. My Mom worked outside of the home also.It was not foreign to me to do both. As an adult, trying to juggle all of my responsibilities inside and outside of our household was hard. Weight came on because my stress level was up, my eating habits changed and I couldn’t exercise as much as I used to. My inability to prioritize correctly led me to dis-ease/disease.


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