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Not all money is good money. If you dread going to work in the morning and do not feel listened to or honored by your boss and peers, you might need to change jobs. No amount of money is worth your happiness or health. We spend a majority of our waking hours at work. If your work is challenging but enjoyable most of time, hang in there. Everyone has days that are overwhelming but if you are looking at the clock, counting the hours until the end of the day or are looking forward to Friday when Monday morning starts, it might be time to go job hunting.

What makes you happy? When we are young, a lot of us do not know what we want to do for the rest of our lives. Sometimes our parents make those decisions for us, sometimes we make the decision because we are doing what everyone wants us to do and sometimes we make the wrong decision. Our brains do not fully develop until we are about 25 years old but by that time a lot of us have already committed to a profession. If you find yourself off course or not happy. It is never too late to change course. Your happiness depends on it.

Some of us find our happiness on the side. The expression of my lessons, thoughts and ideas brings me so much joy. Part of my purpose is fulfilled in my full time job but I am self-actualized in my side job.

According to one of my favorite people, my brother Devon, “When the money from your side job is greater than the money from your regular job, that is when you get to quit your regular job”.

Bad leaders can teach you just as much or more than good leaders.

If you don’t have an issue taking the pay, don’t have an issue doing the work. If you do just what you are paid to do, don’t expect to exceed expectations. If you do less than what you are expected to do, don’t be surprised if you are thought to be below expectations.

True happiness comes from living out your purpose. Find what makes you happy and if you cannot do it full time, do it part time. It will give you unspeakable joy.


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