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Family is the foundation of our life here on earth. We are born into them, we live and expand humanity through them and when we die, that unit is impacted the most. Our relationship with God can be nurtured or impeded by it. Our first bonds are formed in our families.

In generations past, women had such different roles than we do in today’s world. We are thriving outside the home but still trying to be everything to everybody inside and outside of the home. Something has to give. Us taking care of ourselves means that we can have longer and more meaningful time. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we leave our families prematurely.

I come from two lines of STRONG women. I have also been blessed with having some AMAZING women that have “adopted” me as family. I thank them for showing me the importance of independence and knowing myself.

I love having a partner to navigate life with but, I didn’t want just anyone. The wrong person takes away from you, the right person adds to you. Our foremothers did not sacrifice for us to be less than who God created us to be.

We have to be comfortable sharing the load and we need to have someone who is willing to share the load with us. Don’t complain about my weight, that I don’t do the same things I used to do or that I am always tired, if you are not willing to help share the load. Weight that is more evenly distributed is always easier to carry.

Our children are some of the most important people in our lives but we need to remember that they will not always be children. The lessons we teach them (in word and deed), form the foundation of their lives and the lives of the next generation. If we do not show them love, respect, empathy, responsibility and accountability in the home, society teaches them outside of the home and they do not love them as much as we do.

Where would I be without “my sisters”? I have two biological sisters, but I also have a small group that are sisters in my Spirit. They have been with me through smiles and tears, been my sounding board for numerous decisions and my “pull up pals” when needed. Everyone needs people related to them and not related to them that are there for them. We are meant to exist in community. Don’t waste your time or energy on people that might not be in your life a year from now or five years from now. Remember, time is nonrenewable.

Where would I be without “my brothers”? I have the most amazing male cousins and a handful of male friends that are my brothers. My uncles have also been some of the greatest teachers in my life. One of my “sisters” calls me a “girl-dude” because I can easily understand and explain the male perspective.The biggest mistake we make is that we think that our mate understands us. They often do not. We have to explain what we need and how things make us feel. Don’t wait for them to ask, they often don’t know the problem exists. If we talk and they care about us, they learn over time.


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