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God's Trust and Partnership with Women

When I had my conversation last week with Marsha Daley on The RAW Podcast, I felt I wanted to talk a little more about the subject of submission and I wanted to also talk about God's trust and partnership with women. Submission is voluntary. It is an act of courtesy and respect in a space of love and trust. A wife's submission is given to a lover, not an oppressor. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, we see examples of God's trust in a woman's ability to discern and women being in partnership with Him. In Judges 4 and 5, we meet Deborah, who is the only female judge among the 12 judges listed during that time. The judges settled disputes, oversaw legal matters and led the military in battle when needed. They served the entire community, males and females. Deborah was also one of 3 people in the Old Testament that were not only judges but also prophets. She was married. In Proverbs 31 we hear of the wife of noble chartacter. Among her attributes described are considering a field and buying it, trading, being clothed in strength and dignity, speaking with wisdom and watching over the affairs of her household. In the New Testament we meet Mary, the mother of Jesus. The Sovereign God who created the world out of "nothing" and who could have created a Savior from "nothing", chose to have His Son born of a young woman. We meet Mary Magdalene, who was the first to see the risen Christ and who He told to tell the other disciples that He is risen. We meet other women who are business owners and staunch supporters of Jesus. They were not only followers of The Way but gave financial support to Jesus' mission. I say all of that to say, yes, there are times when we yield to our partners insight and knowledge but remember, we have been trusted by God to make decisions also. There are verses in the Bible about those in relationship and partnership yielding to each other. Know that God trusts and has been in partnership with women for generations. We are not called to be silent partners.

The Raw Podcast

topic: submission in relationships

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