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Happy and Healthy

My poem, Load Bearer in my book 51 Revolutions to Me is about The Alpha Female, there is a verse that says, A well-built house needs more than one load bearing wall. My initial title for this post was “How to Love an Alpha Female”. Then I thought about it, if we are going to embark on a journey related to love, for it to be really helpful, we first have to think back at what love looked like to us in our early years in order to figure out how we now love. If you are an Alpha Female this will resonate with you but really, love is love and what we need more than ever in this world is balance, so I really hope it resonates with everyone.


Remember, Alpha Females are such either due to modeling or necessity. We don’t have control issues, we have trust issues. We are created because of imbalance. That imbalance not identified and addressed causes us to enter into relationship after relationship taking on the majority of the responsibilities, unable to be emotionally present. If you are physically exhausted, you cannot tap into your emotions. You are in survival mode. Unable to be soft. Even if things look perfect on the outside, unresolved chaos on the inside manifests itself in different ways.


If you are struggling right now, it is never too late to love yourself, give greater love to others and model new behaviors for the next generation. You were created by God and everything that God created was originally created in balance. Think about the earth, think about the human body.


I have a couple of questions for you to think about this week.

1.  What did love look like in the household you grew up in?

2.  Is/was your female role model happy and healthy in their later years?

3.  What did love in your first romantic relationship look like?

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