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Masks Off At Home

So many of us were raised in homes where certain conversations did not place. Sometimes it is hard to openly discuss your feelings when that was not modeled for you. We pretend that everything is ok when it is not. Or we might try to express ourselves or ask for help but nothing changes so we stop talking, talking too much or talking too loud. Hurt and anger eventually build up and we become resentful. We start yelling at simple things and sometimes taking it out on others that are not the real source of our rage. I was listening to a Psychologist, Dr. Jarrod Spencer and he said that anger is a manifestation of emotional hurt. Anger management is really hurt management. How do you deal with anger? If we don't deal with our anger, we either implode (otherwise called depression) or we explode. How was the management of hurt modeled in your childhood home? Dr. Iyanla Vanzant says that when we don't feel heard, we yell and when we get no response from the yelling, we attack. We have to start having real conversations with each other. Holding your hurt inside is not the solution and exploding is not the solution. Talking about how we are really doing and doing what we need to do to heal is the only solution. If those in your life will not join together to talk and heal, find someone outside to talk to. In a perfect world, you and your loved ones would heal together, if that is not possible, save yourself!

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