Sometimes at the beginning of the year, we start out with too many things that we want to accomplish.
We try to do so much that we tire ourselves out by the middle of the month. How about we take it
slow? Let’s start out by giving thanks. Even though we have a lot of uncertainty at the beginning of this
year, we still have a lot to be thankful for. I challenge you to have a new joy that you acknowledge every
morning, just as God’s mercies are new every morning. Let’s think about one change that we want to
make. Some people think about changing their lifestyle at the beginning of the year. Whether it is
making healthier choices or another behavior that you want to modify like maintaining your peace in the
midst of chaos, lifestyle changes are hard. They say it takes 21 days to change a habit but if you are
trying to change something that you have done for years. It will take longer. Maybe the first change is to
limit fried food to once per week. Just the fact that you want to change means that you know it is
something you need to improve. If you have setbacks, don’t give up. Keep working at it. Congratulate
yourself on your small wins and it will lead you to BIG wins. Take it one day at a time. Sometimes you
have to acknowledge your wins one moment at a time. Before you know it, those moments and days
will add up to a year.