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True Happiness

Your life story is the sum of a series of choices. When you are young,

those choices are made for you. As you get older, you make the choices

but they are significantly impacted by “What Happened to You”. I

believe that God wants us to be happy. I define happiness as living a

majority of the days God gives me with peace in my mind, body, soul

and with my Spirit. Why do I say a majority? Because some days we

have sadness. So again, happiness is living a majority of the days God

gives me with peace in my mind, body, soul and with my Spirit.

You will notice that all of the components that I listed are within us.

Anytime our main focus for our happiness is outside our body,

problems arise. For example, money by itself cannot give you

happiness, another person cannot bring you happiness. Not even your

mate or your child, they can add to your happiness but they cannot give

you true happiness. In my book 51 Revolutions to Me, you journey with

me through my past, present and my dreams for the future in poems, I

give journal prompts for you to start your healing journey and give you

some of the tools that have helped me on my journey. Our site is called

Toolz for Happiness because my mission is to help as many people as

possible find true happiness.

My new book 51 Revolutions to Me, available for purchase on Amazon by clicking the link below or searching the title (on Amazon).

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