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Yes, No, Be Still

I was talking to my niece about a difficult decision she is facing and I gave her advice that I wish I would have had earlier in life. I told her that if the decision is not clear yet, she is to "be still". Sometimes we can get so caught up in the emotion of a decision that we make a decision based on that, not based on what is best. The older I get, the more I listen to the Spirit that is inside me. That still soft voice. Trust me, I have made my share of regretful, emotional decisions. My dream and goal is for them to have less regret about their decisions and get to a state of true happiness earlier than I did. Difficult decisions require serious stillness and meditation. Decisions made in the moment are often not ones that consider the pros and cons and listening to our inner voice. I also let her know that her decision should not be based on what others think she should do. You can ask your inner circle for their thoughts, especially if they have had to make similar decisions ;but, the final decision is yours. You also have to make sure that you have the right inner circle. That deserves another conversation. I remember Bishop Jakes saying, "Don't make a permanent decision about a temporary problem". When we take the time to stop and be still, so many benefits come from that time of stillness. We walk out of that time knowing that we have considered all the information available to us and being settled in that decision. The length of time that we have been still does not equal the completion of our time in that space. Also, sometimes our Spirit is telling us what we do not want to hear so we keep waiting for a different answer. Spend the time needed in your place of stillness but when that time is done, and the answer is clear, be confident in what you know.

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